I initially took Face Analysis for personal growth and interest. It has been beneficial, in that I am able to see certain features in the faces of the people around me and have a better understanding of how to deal with them on a personal or professional level. This enables me to be a better communicator, and helps to understand why an individual may react the way that they do. It helps in meeting someone for the first time or interviewing them for a work related matter.  

Frank de Boon
Conservation Officer

I enrolled in  Face Analysis for my own personal reasons but soon found that I was using it in other aspects of my life. As an RN, I work with quite a diverse group of people every day. I soon found I was able to head off conflicts by using the skills I had learned and in the process have been able to help staff with what to expect from others. I can now understand why certain people seem to be clashing all the time and why some people are easier to work with. Also I am better able to tell who would be the best person for which job.  I have seen the dynamics between people, who have formerly been in conflict, change, just because they now know what to expect from that individual. The face tells the whole story. It helps makes my workplace nicer to be at and I can’t tell you how many ways it has helped in my personal life. My life has changed because of this course. 

Marla de Boon
RN (Registered Nurse)

I completed my Certificate I  Course in Psychosomatic's  with Leo Trenker in the spring of 2007.  Taking these courses with Leo has taken me on a life changing journey.  I see myself, people around me and the world I live in with new eyes.  
I feel emotionally lighter than I ever have before, with a sense of freedom inside of myself.  I use the tools I learned from Leo everyday.  I believe Leo’s teaching have been significant in guiding me towards living to my fullest potential.  I recommend taking any course with Master Teacher Leo Trenker highly.  I am grateful and blessed for my participation in this revolutionary work.

Shauna Sideritsch

Leo is a very gifted, compassionate Teacher who has a lot of practical wisdom to share.  If you are keen to learn & accept more about yourself and others, you’ll love his workshops.  With his humour, love and exuberance for life, you are sure to be inspired and find warmth in your heart that will lead to new self awareness and therefore new possibilities in your life.  I will be back for more for sure!

 Sue Hutchinson Bawden, Personal & Professional Development Coach

The course for me was very profound. I have learned a tremendous amount about myself. For example, learning how to more expressive, where to be more expressive, not to be so hard on myself and how to do that. I learned about myself in all areas meaning Mentally, Emotionally and Physically. This course will help me be more compassionate and understanding towards myself and others.

The Instructor Leo Trenker, WOW! I am so impressed and blown away. He is very loving, caring, compassionate, and understanding and humorous.  He helps you feel accepted and loved, and lets you know you are understood and recognized for who you really are.

Connie Mundy
Sparwood Chiropracti

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