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What is ICU Training Center about and Who's in it?

At ICU Training Center we are committed to helping people, both on a personal level and in a business setting. It is our belief that the two intertwine at at many levels. 

If you look at your body as a company, the similarities are inescapable. The head would be the CEO or "Head of the Company". The rest of the body (Feet, Legs, Arms, Hands and even Organs) would then become the employees to the company. The head (CEO) will give direction while the rest of the body does the hands on work to keep the company running. One cannot exist without the other! 

Healthy Communication between these two is imperative in order to have a healthy successful company. If not, we open the door for disorder and disease to set in. The body may be stiff and not want to do what the mind is saying or the mind may not want to listen to what messages the body is sending. Yet an understanding for both parties must be reached for the betterment and growth of both. If not, either party can go on strike and the company runs the risk of closing its doors.

As we meet other companies (People) the networking between the two or more businesses begin. Information is shared on many levels, verbally and non-verbally. Research shows that words alone only hold 7% of the total impact of a message being sent, 33% is in tone of voice while 60% is in body language.

For this reason we have designed courses to accommodate both the personal aspects (self-help and health preventative measures) and a business level focused more on communicating with what potential  personalities we could be dealing with. 

Below are the out lines and aspects for both sets of courses.    


Self Improvement Courses 

The Body/Mind Integration Guide © 
Level I

Accelerated Self Development Courses
Quantum Physicists are proving this to be the Health Science of the Future

Basic Course Outline:

  • Introduction - The Gateway
  • Module 1 - Basic Communication
  • Module 2 - Face Analysis
  • Module 3 - Hand Analysis
  • Module 4 - Foot Analysis
  • Module 5 - Body Analysis
  • Module 6 - Psychosomatic Anatomy
  • Module 7 - Integration
  • Module 8 - Certification of Level I

You can learn:

  • To release the past through cellular memory
  • To bring harmony and balance to your Body/Mind
  • Understanding core emotional issues stored in your tissues

Medical Science has taken quantum steps to eliminate disease from our lives and to prevent further diseases. The Body/Mind Integration Guide seeks to bring our awareness to those areas of our Body/Mind where we can eliminate the stress, tension and psychosomatic discomfort before they become disease. It can assist medical science in its process of cure, by eliminating the source.

“Communication is the key. We as humans need to learn to communicate within ourselves first, only then can we communicate more effectively with others. We have only one home and that is our own body and it sends us messages constantly. If we don't listen, the messages will become louder and stronger over time about what we are doing or not doing for ourselves. This is a life long dialogue we develop between our mind and body so we can feel more comfortable at home, in our body. We have to learn the language of our body before we can learn the language of others.” 

“As I have assisted those in learning this language, it has been wonderful to watch them grow, love and understand themselves better. It doesn't matter what you do in life or your belief system, I will work with you to attain a healthier Body/Mind.”  

 Leo Trenker


Business Courses

A Guide to the Potentials of Personalities ©

In this Course we will look at the importance of:

  • The Feet and the direction they want to go.
  • The Hands and how they can show the state of mind. Also what can a handshake tell you.
  • The Face and how it can show how they may process information and their listening tendencies, even the possibilities of how they my communicate with you. Will they tell you straight out with little flexibility or will they be eager to see your point of view?
  • Learn the order in which to read a persons body language.
  • Practical practice with hands on experience with pictures in a class setting after the individual sections of the body are taught.

​In business a great emphasis has been put on reading the body language of others. However, that is only half of the communication circuit. The other half is YOU! Having said that, would it make sense that the first significant issue is to be able to listen and be self- aware of what my own Body Language is telling me and how my body expresses itself to others? After all, they are reading you too, whether it is done consciously or sub-consciously. They DO and WILL!!

Body Language is our common language of thoughts, feelings and emotions. This becomes the language of the unspoken word and has often been interpreted as a tool to read the thoughts of others by their gestures and expressions.

According to research, words have only 7% of the total impact in a conversation. Sound, Variation and Tone carry 33%, while 60% of our responses are from non-verbal communication using movement, facial expressions and gestures. This internal dialogue between the mind and body can be seen externally as an individual’s reaction, or interaction with another person. Therefore the awareness of Body Language is of key importance.

The GPP Course is a basic guideline and a diagnostic tool of present condition and past conditioning, and that it only shows the possibilities of personalities. How an individual responds to different events is also dependent upon their experience of life and / or training. This is not an analysis of whether or not they use their tools (natural abilities) constructively or destructively.

This course does not replace any previous training or any other courses designed for business enhancement such as, team building techniques, sales & closing techniques, conflict resolution techniques, hiring and training techniques etc. It is designed to help enhance different techniques by being able to read and understand ourselves and others more efficiently.

Leo Trenker


Leo Trenker
(Founder and Director of ICU Training Center)

Born and raised in Alberta, Leo grew up with parents of European decent (Greek and Austrian).  After managing a kitchen in two different restaurants, Leo went onto working in a metal fabrication shop as a welder/fabricator.  This gave him the opportunity to work with the public and clientele for over 20 years.  At the same time, he also operated his own business in Custom Stainless Steel Accessories ranging from jewelry to custom motorcycle and car parts.  

These experiences of working with people from a variety of social backgrounds proved valuable to him.  He noticed that a number of people tend to struggle in their lives, personally and professionally.  He realized that one needs to communicate honestly with oneself before positive communication can occur with others.

Knowing this, Leo enrolled in a self-help course where he had the honor of being introduced to Psychosomatic Therapy. Leo realized he found what he was looking for and continued on to receive his Practitioner’s Certificate III in the field of Psychosomatic Therapy plus his Master Practitioner’s Certificate and Diploma in Teaching Psychosomatic Therapy.  Leo has obtained his goal and desire to help others by sharing his knowledge and working with individuals wishing to learn a new understanding of communication.  His ability to help people understand themselves and communicate with others has been paramount in their growth.  

With the warmth from his heart, he will help guide you through this exciting transition to a wonderful understanding and way of being.  It doesn't matter what work you do or what your belief system is, he will work with you to attain a healthy Body/Mind.

“As you learn, so do I, for one never stops learning while we are still alive.”


Marilyn Feregotto

Being raised in a small tight knitted community in Ontario, Marilyn had a desire from an early age to help others. Fresh out of school she started her journey of becoming a Registered Nurse and practiced for more than 40 years in Ontario, British Columbia and now Alberta. Wanting to share her rewarding experiences she taught LPN and PCA Courses for 5 years.

With a strong scientific background, she also knew that healing came on many levels (Body Mind and Soul). While attending a Wellness Show she met Leo Trenker and was introduced to Psychosomatic Therapy. For Marilyn, nurturing and nursing the body back to health scientifically was second nature. What Leo was presenting to her was new and she saw a great opportunity to help others in their quest for wholeness and healing. Once she had received her Certificate III with Leo. She went on to attain her Master Practitioners Certificate in Psychosomatic Therapy.

With an open heart and understanding, which one can only get with her years of experience working with people, Marilyn has become a natural, helping others in their growth towards Body / Mind Wellness through self awareness.

“For years we have nurtured ourselves from the outside/in. Its time we nurtured ourselves from the inside/out also.”

Lethbridge, Alberta

  • (R.I.H.R) Registered In Human Relations
  • Master Practitioner in Psychosomatic    Therapy
  • Diploma in Teaching Psychosomatic Therapy
  • Member of the Canadian Examining Board of Health Care Practitioners
  • Registered Nurse (RN)
  • Practitioner of Psychosomatic Therapy
  • Master Practitioner of Psychosomatic Therapy

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