Courses in Psychosomatic Responses
The Body/Mind Integration Guide

The Gateway
3 Hours
​“It’s not what you know or what you do; it’s who you are and how you do it.”
An introduction to “The Body/Mind Integration Guide"

​This is an Accelerated Self Development Program designed to bring awareness to psychosomatic responses of our life’s experiences. This 3 hour course will go over the outline of what you can learn from examining Structure, Formation and the Fleshing out of the body and its individual parts in our own case studies that look at us every day.

Many famous speakers and authors talk about the Body/Mind but very few actually teach the tangible facts. Your Body has all the Wisdom. It is the Secret, and you just need the tools to decode the language. If you lived in France, wouldn't you want to learn French? You only have one home….your Body, no-Body else. Your Body is talking to you all the time! Are you listening? Before you can understand and help Some-Body else, we first must understand and help ourselves. This Introduction to Body/Mind Communication is about the different languages our body speaks, and how we can learn these languages. Whether it is our Face, Body, Hands or Feet, a message is being sent internally & externally in hopes there will be Some-Body willing to understand. 

“Welcome to the first step of the rest of your life's journey.
Are you ready?”

Module 1
Basic Communication​
Conduct and perform basic communication skills 
both individually and as a group.
1 Day 9am-6pm

​"How you say, What you say."

Posture, balance, power, sensitivity and agility all emanate from a personality through the use of our feet, hands and the face. This is called Body Language and it must be congruent with the words we say. Whether in person or using other methods of social media, understanding this language is an essential tool for effective verbal and non- verbal communication through awareness and practice. After all, studies have shown that words alone only carry a mere 7% of the total impact of the message being sent.  In this course you can discover the basic steps to enrich your communication skills.

In this course you can learn:
  • What part you have in the Communication Circuit.
  • The importance of Body Posture.
  • The impact of Para-Verbal Communication.
  • The Value of Rational Detachment.

Module 2
Face Analysis
Conduct and perform analysis of 
personality potential characteristics in the face.
1 Day 9am-6pm

"Mirror Mirror on the wall"

Reading a Face is one of the most powerful experiences of getting to know yourself and others. It opens the doors to understanding the depth of ones life experience's. Who are you? Why do you look the way you do? In Face Analysis, you have the opportunity to understand how the patterns of your thoughts have been expressed in the fleshing out of your tissue.  What emotional patterns are you carrying in your genes? Every thought your parent's and grandparent's have had, is living in your DNA.

Look in the mirror, is your left side and right side of your face in balance? How does this affect other areas of your life? With awareness you can change anything! This course will show you how! How come a cartoonist can draw a few lines on a paper and we know exactly who it is? Could these be some characteristic of a person? There is nothing more interesting or life changing than studying yourself. Take this next step in truly understanding yourself by seeing your face for the first time, all over again! 

You Can Learn:
  •  How our Inner World is creating our Outer World and it is etched in the face.
  •  How this structure indicates the potential for our personality's performance.
  •  The difference between the left/right brain functions and how to bring them in to balance.
  •  How each individual feature or parts of the face speaks a language of its own.
  •  That the eyes can show our point of view of the World.
  •  Why the nose is our ego or personality, the nose ‘knows' and ‘knows' it all.
  •  How the forehead indicates our frame of mind through which we perceive the World.
  •  How the body maps out in the face.
  •  And More

Module 3
Hand Analysis
Conduct and perform analysis of 
personality potential characteristics in the hands.
1 Day 9am-6pm

​"Listen to whatever you touch outside, feel it on the inside."

The sense of touch is the finest form of emotional and mental expression. Your hands are extensions of your heart. They give you the experience the depth of feeling in everything you touch. The healing power of your hands and the delicate instrumentation of the fingers, give your life dimension and shape. They are the fine tools of the Body/Mind. How are they expressing you?

Learn to respect your hands. They are the true teachers of touch. Remember how Grandma's food tasted so good? Could it have been because she put a lot of love in it with her loving hands.

“Our Hands Leave an Impression on every thing we touch with what the intention is from our Hearts.”

You can learn:​
  • You can discover the deeper meaning of touch.
  • That much can be learned from a simple handshake. 
  • There can be a difference in hands and hand size, creating a tendency for a brain function to be used more often to to base their intention from.
  • The state of mind can been seen in the natural state of the hands. (Analytically or Emotionally)
  • That the hand type can show the potential of how a person may respond to life's events.
  • By understanding each finger has its part in the expression of your life.
  • How the body maps out in the hands.

Module 4
Foot Analysis
Conduct and perform analysis of 
personality potential characteristics in the Feet.
1 Day 9am-6pm

“What a Feat for your Feet”

Your foot cushions the full impact of your body's weight as you jump, run or walk...every day of your life. They measure, balance, and sense, informing every organ and muscle in our body as to what we are stepping into. Learn what each segment of the foot represents and how it has learned to stand and respond to Life Events. It is time to pay attention to the sole that carries your soul every step in this life.

Every part of the body is represented in the feet. That way every step we take we get to know our body's health and feelings. That is if we choose to do so. The different habitual patterns that form in our life create habits and can show how and where we stand on events in the world. Our feet then respond, react, or repress the experiences to the events that either have happened, are going to happen, or is happening. The feet can then give feedback to what we are stepping into. With practice, we can learn, that as we walk we are constantly creating reflexes on all parts of the body, stimulating life, health and vitality and can then show up as tension or the freedom of movement in our body.

You can learn:
  • That foot can indicate the direction that particular brain function is wanting to go.
  • One foot can be larger than the other and can show which brain function this person is attempting to make a bigger impression on the world.​
  • The tops and bottoms of the feet can show issues we may have in the present or possibly in the past.
  • That each toe can give back different inputs, creating different states based on length, size and gaps.
  • How the body maps out in the Foot.
  • How to walk so the impact of our sole on the earth, stimulates your organs and body while lessening destructive impacts on the body as a whole.

Module 5
Body Analysis
Conduct and perform analysis of
 personality potential characteristics
in the Body/Mind.
2 Days 9am-6pm

​“A house is where you reside; your body is where you live”

**Note: Module 1-4 are a pre-requisite to attending this module.**

​What issues are sitting in your tissues? Have you ever noticed repetitive issues happening to your body? Would you like that to change? How can you do this? It can be done by recognizing our life’s habits that have been created through mental, emotional and physical states and experiences. All this creates formations in our body that are free flowing, creating freedom or resistant, creating dis-ease. This 2 day workshop is designed to help bring awareness and create change to the habits we have formed or embodied. It’s time we take charge of our own body; “no-body” else can do this for us.

Here is just a portion of what you can learn:
  • There are many ways our body guards and protects itself against our unhealthy belief patterns. Desensitized tissue or armor-plating muscle is just a couple of ways.
  • If you are in a fight pattern; when your mind lets go of the issues, the body will let go of the tissues.
  • If you are in a flight pattern; how to ground yourself and live in your body, you have no body else.
  • To release cellular memory and old habits.
  • How breathing patterns release stress and cellular memory.
  • Posture and body language determine your attitude in life.
  • To balance the male-female energy and left/right brain responses.
  • The flow of energy through the body's major centers determines your health and fitness.

"By shifting your attitudes and beliefs about what is possible in your world, you will be able to redefine
your potential which is really unlimited, and unlock the extraordinary powers of your body-mind."
Jerry Lynch
"It is not the obstacles in front of us that keep us from moving forward, but what is inside
of us that holds us back. The issues are in the tissues."

Module 6
Psychosomatic Anatomy
Conduct and perform analysis of 
personality potential characteristics 
in the Emotional Anatomy.
1 Day 9am-6pm

“Our thoughts and feelings influence our interior ~ which eventually affects our exterior.”

**Note: Modules 1-5 are a pre-requisite to attending this module.**

Our structure is a proposal of the rough outline that expresses our life experiences. The rhythm of which life’s energy pulses through our pouches that carry our organs, expresses to the outer world our psychosomatic attitudes and beliefs of how life is. There are 6 basic psychosomatic stages we can experience and 4 basic body shapes that can blend to form a psychological function. Some of which create tensions in different areas of the soma (body) influencing the energy flow of the different pouches. Learning the land marking of which area may carry tension can teach us possibilities of which organ(s) may be affected. Learning this we can become aware of which stage(s) we feel we go through or may feel trapped in and why. With neuro linguistic programing and posture correction we can begin the healing process to health and wholeness.

In this course we go deeper into overall patterns in behaviors of the Body Mind. Anatomical structure is the blueprint that supports the expression of our experiences of life. The internal pulsation of life that maintains this structure and the organs is eventually expressed outside as psychosomatic attitudes and behavior that grow into belief systems. These are rationalized as emotional and mental states. Our internal relationships then determine our performance, self-image and our interaction with others and the issues of life itself.

​You can learn:
  • Basic Anatomical Land Marking of Key Sites in the body.
  • Organ connection/possible physical problems in relation to vertebrae and possible psychosomatic responses.
  • How structure creates psychological function.
  • Basic Psychosomatic Stages to Life Experiences.
  • The Four Basic Habitual Body Shapes
  • How interaction and relationships are effected by habitual behavior.
  • Somatic education and clinical direction, enabling you to release the past.

"As long as habit and routine dictate the pattern of living, new dimensions of ourselves will not emerge."
“Life’s emotional experiences create form and shape”

Module 7
Conduct and perform an integration of
Modules 1-6 
1 Day 9am-6pm

"Integration is Key to you and your world.”

**Note: Modules 1-6 are a pre-requisite to attending this module.**

Previously we have learned how much words mean in the overall message being sent. Our face has shown us how we have faced life. Our hands have indicated how we have handled these events. While our feet have taken us to and from these experiences, and show us where and how we “stand” for these experiences. The body can show us what we have adopted as a way of life from our experiences. Psychosomatic Anatomy is about a deeper understanding of how the shape we have formed our body in and how the pouches in our body direct energy flowing through it. Module VII, Integration, is the learning and practice of taking all the previous modules and integrating them together that can create more of a complete picture of what is happening for you or the person in front of you. With more of an in depth study of psychosomatic phrasing and practical hands on study. This module is designed to help prepare you for Module VIII.

​You can learn:
  • How to integrate the step by step process of what was learned in Modules 1-6.
  • In order to do an evaluation properly, it should be done in a specific order.
  • The connection that lies between the face, hands feet and body. 
  • ​The use of the psychosomatic story that is pertinent to your client. This assists them in making the connection for their growth. 

"Bringing it all together."

Module 8
Certification of Level I 
Conduct, promote and perform a full Analysis 
on a outside Client
1 Day 9am-6pm

“Success is Rising to the Top and Completing what you have Started.”

**Note: Modules 1-7 are a pre-requisite to attending this module.**

With the completion of Module 1 through 7, Certification of level I (Module 8) is when you start to put into practice what you have learned. For one complete day, with support and guidance, you will do a full case study on an outside client and present your findings to them at the end. Level I has been about the basics of Body/Mind Integration and Psychosomatic Responses. With practice you can become proficient in this study of Body/Mind work and this can lead to the option of continuing to even deeper learning and understanding in the advanced portion that is coming soon, Body/Mind Integration Level II. 

The Certification requirements include:
  •  A practical analysis and report in class on client.
  •  Fine tuning of your work to recognize subtle messages.
  •  Observe your client’s total history that stands before you with the experiences of the previous 7 courses.
  •  Recommend appropriate treatment and practices for change.
  •  Experience the profound changes that occur during and after the session and the subtle release of past
           conditioning from the unconscious.

"Experience the true potentials of who you are. What an incredible opportunity to self discovery!"

The completion in the Certification of Level I in The Body/Mind Integration Guide, allows you to  take the most basic steps to create healing an multiple levels. This is the Health Science of the Future and the Future is NOW! 

This systematic process of self-awareness is an essential tool for realistic personal growth in all aspects of your life. Experience the combination of Psychotherapy and Quantum Physics, and learn how the Neuro Linguistic programming of old core belief patterns can be released and replaced by balance, posture and muscle toning.

“This is what I am: Body, Mind and Soul. 
Please understand me with Love and Compassion.”

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Lethbridge, Alberta

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